Board of Directors

Ms. Keet Yee LAI | September 8, 2020

Ms. Lai is currently a Senior Vice President of Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd. Ms. Lai joined the Philips Group (being Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. and its affiliated companies) in May 2001 and has since then developed her career in the consumer electronics, domestic appliances and healthcare industries. Ms. Lai has been a council member of Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) since 2018 and its deputy treasurer since 2022. She has also been a council member of National Integration Council, Singapore, and aboard member and chair of finance committee of Spectra Secondary School since 2020. She has been a board member and the chair of finance committee of Tripartite Alliance Limited since 2021.

Ms. Lai received her bachelor’s degree in accountancy from National University of Singapore in 1987 and her master’s degree in business administration from University of Dubuque, Iowa, the United States in 1989.

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